hello long time since i blogged :D
busy with watching the show called 福氣又安康
and trying to study... >.<
mom is watching the show too..
and since she has more time at home than i do, she is watching way ahead of me =.=
doesnt matter..
now in sch mostly tests and revising and chionging to teach all the topics tested..
boring barhs
then elit is killing too...
drama presentation very soon..
and we were just introduced to it last wed 0.0
i think next mon got full dress rehearsal..
then fri is our mini rehearsal. -.-
so rushed
lucky im only the costume designer..
just needa turn my walldrobe upside down.
no needa use too much brain :D
eating dinner lerh.
byes :D
writtern @7:08 PM
hello!!! :D
just had paper 1 exams..
a bit screwed but nvm.
shall enjoy myself today.
later needa go back to sch for mid-autumn festivel -.-
so boring
gonna watch some show zhaoyi has recomended me just now.
just hope i dont get addicted
exams are in 2 weeks time
and i havent started!!! ):
wish me good luck
writtern @1:54 PM
hello! :D
FTI today was some station games to be played as a class...
i think sec 1s and 2s.
didnt see any sec 3s
anw, not really fun larhs..
mainly walk here walk there doing lame stuff.
but sweat a lot -.-
then sch was over :D
ate ice cream at the busstop accompanying alicia wait for her mom.
then walked to mrt station with zhaoyi...
around 2.30 alr
took bus and reached home around 2.55pm... xD
then watched the boys over flowers + tried to read book at the same time
didnt suceed
then prac guzheng then came back to watching since mom was watching.
mom preparing dinner now..
later got guzheng :D
writtern @6:01 PM
hey YO!
just came back from sch...
lazy fry rice so just eating cereal xD
sch today was well quite slack :D
tuesday's a nice sch day :D
reading period then Dnt
mathe then el then SEL!
how nice xD
Let's talk abt the supposedly 'dairy farm' trip ytd...
in the end went to Pasir ris park.
which i didnt noe until we reached =.=
probably cause of time constraints barhs
in the end RAINED! -.-
then little bro very disappointed.
so poor thing.
so came home lors...
then went out for dinner at hougang
specially go there for dinner :D
at the hao jian.. oyster something.
anw, nice!!
then came home and slacked.
memorised 2 paragraphs of gong han and attempted to sleep but in the end fell asleep at 10.45... =.=
ok, i shall start some revision for EOYs some day soon hehhee
byes xD
writtern @2:15 PM
HIYO!!! :D
long weekend ! :D
enjoying myself.
hw left with gong han =.=
ltr then do.
didnt do much this weekedn..
sat got birthday party for eldest bro :D
then sun slacked the whole day at home and then went out for dinner at the airport
then today ...
woke at 10 +
then watched boys over flowers and read book.
then came back here
book is nice but feel like stopping..
boys over flowers watch until a part where i have alr watched on tv -.-
so the only thing i need to do is GONG HAN!!! =.=
double sians.
ltr going to some dairy farm -.-
somemore sians
writtern @1:36 PM
lalala hello! :D
just returned from sch cca.
and havnt even bath...
anw came by just for restaurant :D
elit test today was quite disastrous!
didnt have enough time to finish. =.=
mrs neo..
she said she was going to collect narrative today.
in the end,
" ok, all of u hand in on tuesday."
lucky didnt go and do
CO today was quite well... ok :D
kind of noe how to play the song more.
its shi mian mai fu :D
then stayed till 6 o'clock cause zhaoyi teaching her junior stuff.
then walked to mrt together..
me, shujun, jolyn, zhaoyi and her junior mengyuan .
then i took bus alone -.-
cause its quite late.
in the end also reach home at 6.45.
so late :(
ok, byes
going to slack tonight :D
writtern @6:55 PM
ytd ms nisrin got angry at us.. for not asking questions. =.=
but today she seemed to be in a better mood.
she talked a lot abt the story Lee :D
heng arh.
otherwise, we die lerh
anw, PE did basketball..
tried to play but too un enthu =.=
then was lit.. she talked away which was gd :D
Geog, sim ah lian talked..
finally talked abt lesson =.=
anw, this is the first time i think she is teaching properly.
thank god man!
and then was sci
spent the whole period going through the chemical reaction wksht
and i got i think all correct xD
then was math.
nvr finish the 2007 EOY paper.
so mr neo didnt go through
he let us do in class.
so i shared the question paper with Jolene..
she didnt print out.
ended up only doing 3 questions for the 45 mins.
and the rest of the time chit chatting with Jolene =.=
double chinese,
had test first.
chionged the whole thing..
only 45 mins.
i think and hope i did ok cause the last test, i did real badly. >.<
i hope!!!
then go through gong han.
and got to write another gong han for the weekend =.=
end sch.
dilly dally
in the end left sch at 2.30
ate ice cream xD
v. long nvr eat lerh.
then took mrt with zhaoyi and then walked home.
also v. long nvr like that lerh.
recently kept taking bus cause less time consuming.
came home 3.30
mum and little bro also just reach home. :D
then watched boys over flowers...
until 4.20...
forced myself to go and do the EOY math paper..
tmr need.
and tmr also have elit essay test..
so ltr going to redo the notes. T.T
just bathed :D
going to eat dinner soon
byes xD
writtern @7:14 PM
came back from sch..
2.30pm and slacked a lot
grabbed biscuits and sat down in front of comp to watch drama..
no particular drama...
random ones
until mom came back at 4+
and we watched boys over flowers as she suggested. :D
watched till 6.45 then i chionged to prac guzheng.
tuesday is a must prac day :D
then bathed and ate dinner
and here :D
restaurant city just lvl-ed :D
lvl 16 now.
theres test for the next three days =.=
tmr math thurs chinese fri elit >.<
dunno how im gonna die but oh well...
so i shall spend my night revising math...
and sleep at 10!!!
have been seriously lacking sleep for watching the 命中注定我爱你 from 10pm -11pm =.=
and 1h gone every night T.T
then the next morning go to sch with heavy eyelids -.-
ok byes :D
going to study +.+
writtern @7:39 PM
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MEREDITH!!!! sorry was lazy to blog ytd xD
and also
and 快高长大 to both of you!!! :DD
sorry the toolbar isnt here so cant make the font size and stuff..
HI! :D
went to sch...
sch reopened!!! >.<
yeah woke up early.
sch was ok today...
time passed quickly :D
then was cca.
CO room side door was locked and main door spoiled.
and only teacher had the key and couldnt find him?!?!
so the whole CO was stranded outside by the corridor,
looked quite retarded.
but the few of us escaped into one of the classrooms for the fan! :D
our sectional teacher was 20 mins late..
some improvement. :]
then as usual she didnt really bother abt zhongruans.
went to pipa and liuqin...
so we did wad she told us which was to find the notes of some new parts.
then Jolyn and I were there doing our elit stuff...
exchanging notes for the test...
mostly she copying mine..
tmr then she lend me :D
came home... 6pm.
watched tv. ate junk food.
think im gonna grow fat at this rate of eating. =.=
eat eat and EAT!!! is all i do!
no lah not that boring hehe
had dinner and poff! im here! xD
just a rather typical day :D
btw, ytd went out wo watch 'Jump'
u noe, the concert by korean ppl...
was on advertisement...
anw, its rocked!!
like comedy like that
cool thing! :D
and then went macs at like 5 for dinner?
then mum and i went to tm cause i needed to change the shoe size i bought the other day...
and in the end, i bought another bag!! :DD
its a long awaited bag pack :D
its a black canvas plain bag :D
writtern @7:54 PM

hi went out with zhaoyi just now :D
to buy meredith's present
took us very much effort to finally decided..
given meredith's character
shopped for meredith's present for an hour
then we proceded to our own shopping..
which wasnt planned
but well...
it was fun :D
i bought a pair of sandals ;DDDD
so happy
last time almost bought a pair with mum.
but no size=.=
went for black this time...
normally choose white stuff :D
but well a change would be nice
anw, got locked out of the hse for a while.
didnt bring keys and second bro was maybe in the toilet or something.
so reached home at 1.10
lesson ltr is at 2.30... =.=
and its 1.30 alr ?!?!?
eating lunch now hehe
ok byes
writtern @1:22 PM
ha thats zhaoyi! :D
on the bus back from the learning journey xD

hello the toolbar finally showed :D
sorry larh zhaoyi
u look cute hehehehe
ok anw today went to sch for CO.
morning spent 2 hours since i woke doing the sci wksht. =.=
slow i noe.
finally finished.
then went out for lunch with parents and little bro.
he ate as usually SLOW!
and it was running late.
i ate well incredibly fast hehe 15mins and a bowl of ban mian down my throat :D
reached sch on time..
in fact early after all the hurrying i did with my bro
just didnt want to pay fines.
finished the difficult song by hook or by crook :D
like finally
and i only noe how to play less than 1/3 of the sing. =.=
anw, CO ended 15 mins early.
then shujun wanted to go Tampines 1
so we [zhaoyi jolyn and me] went
me suggested zhaoyi and i go hunt for meredith's present.
but u noe, it takes time ..
so not enough time.
so tmr going out in the morning.
again. :D
then came home.
6.20 alr.
slacked then dinner-ed
did the note stuff with 'LEE' [island voices]
spent like an hour and still did only 1.3 of the whole story.
so boring =.=
and time consuming
to think i still have to analise half the story + put notes.
i might take 1 whole day!??!
then watched the ming zhong zhu ding again :D
and then came to check on my restaurant :D
and decided to come and blog xD
ok byes
writtern @11:16 PM
hello! :D
today stayed home the whle day!
so boring!
actually wanted to go out with zhaoyi.. but she wasnt free and it was a last minute request from me..
hehe cant blame anyone.
anw, the whole day just swayed by..
woke at 9+ then read bk for the whole morning..
until 12 20.
then i went to fry rice for lunch.
for me and little bro :DD
kind of fell in love with frying rice.
the best thing is dad asked me to leave some for him to taste haha
so means i dont need to WASH the wok!!!
after lunch tried to do some work.
but apparently forgot everything about the trigo thing
and couldnt be bothered to go through the worked examples..
so decided not to do the worksht.
then i studied chinese......
read the ciyu and that was abt all i did. >.<
then prac-ed guzheng for like maybe an hour? :D
watched tv at 5.30 and read book until dinner at 8
so late.
just finished dinner...
like going to be 9 o'clock alr!!!
and i PLANNED to study at night..
but i ended up here
tmr's friday?!?!?!?
and the holi is ending alr!
and? i havent done any revising which i convinced myself that i would do!
nvm. restaurant city is lvl 14 alr hehe :D
little bro played comp the whole day till parents came back.
and i left it there and havent off comp till now...
ok, bye [pray hard that some day the toolbar would appear so i can post pics >.<]
writtern @8:42 PM
zzz hi peeps
theres no toolbar again. =.=
wanted to post some pics from ytd's learning journey.
the journey wasnt a bit fun ..
just got freaked out by alicia.. she puked twice and there was almost a third time. T.T
anw, didnt go out today..
like finally a holiday.
but ltr got guzheng which is like such a spoiler. nvm
woke up at 8.30.. verry early ba?
cause last nite slept at 10 becos of headache.
then tried to read the geog thing.. from er kor's textbook instead of the colourless notes teacher printed..
then ate lunch at 11.30 and then studied + prac guzheng.
actualy wanted to do the geog wksht.. and came to comp to go moodle to find the notes..
but she probably forgot again =.=
she said she would put it online herself and said for dunno how many times...
and in the end, still dun have.
damn teacher.
and i cant find any way to contact her =.=
damn it
nvm, so ended up here. hehe
writtern @2:40 PM
hahas officially holidaying! :D
went out with family..
woke up at 10+
then went to grandma's place for lunch.
kept reading the book i borrowed from the library last tuesday.
damn nice :D
then left around 2.45
and went to fort canning hill or park, whichever.
picked the red seeds.. called xiang si dou in chinese :)
then walked around in the park..
cool day so no probs for all of us :D
then left and went to macs at kallang for ice-cream :D
hehehe long time didnt go to macs with family lerh
then came back home around 6..
kept reading the book on the car hehe
i noe its bad for my eyes.. but still...
anw, big bro also read in the car :D
got some excuse
came home and hurried to read the book..
left a little and sadly, i finished reading the book =.=
and then bathed..
now hungry...... but no dinner
cause just now ate ice-cream at like 5+ and dad assuming wewould not be hungry..
so didnt go and buy dinner =.=
nvm. there will be some soon :D
ltr going to play mahjong :DDDD
long time since we last played
tmr needa go sch for CCA =.=
sians at 1.50pm. wad a wrong time. its equals to waste my time and my DAY!!!!
byes :D
writtern @7:37 PM
Hey YO!
its finally friday. :D
this week has been rather draggy..
dreaded it, though its like only 3 sch days.
cca was boring today.
cause played the song that i dunno how to play.
trust me to actually look forward to cca during lessons today.
lessons were as usual.
took back result slip.
not very good
playing restaurant city again.. hehe lvl 10 lerh :D
and wanna watch some movie later with dad and maybe mum? ...
its the HOLIDAYS!
although its only one week..
and mon and fri got cca and tue= learning journey +supplementary lessons.
sians barhs?
anw, its just a short break.
gonna try studying.. though i think i wont succeed
teehee ;D
byes for now :D
writtern @7:58 PM